Customer Diversity to Personalized Experience

The customers that dealerships serve are very diverse. Their needs and requirements vary, as do their personalities. As anyone that has spent time in a dealership can attest, some people know exactly what they want, and many people do not. Car enthusiasts tend to research, use specific industry terminology, and generally know what they are after. But what about those that don’t? The automotive industry moves quickly, and advancements, new features, and incredible options become available every year. Making sure customers are informed and know what is available to them can make a big difference in revenue on a deal.

Adding accessory parts to a deal should be a quick and simple process. It's about being the source of information, not hindering the sale. It can be difficult for customers to visualize what they are after. Having the right tool to easily display what the part is helps the customer fully understand what’s being offered and what value it would bring to them. When different variants of the same accessory are available, such as roof racks, having a visual to clearly show the differences is key. Giving the customer more power to customize the sale not only increases the customer experience, but also maximizes revenue.

It's one thing to have a tool to help with selling accessory parts, but having it built into the sales process is what ensures the dealership, and the customer will get the most benefit. Disjointed processes cause delays, which cause frustration, ultimately increasing the likelihood of losing a sale. With a platform allowing customers to pick and choose accessories online or while making the deal, and fitting perfectly into the desking process, means there are no delays.

Accessible Accessories in Action

Enter "Accessible Accessories," our innovative digital retailing solution designed to bridge the gap between online and in-store transactions, ensuring that each customer feels empowered, informed, and in control of their buying experience.

With an easy-to-use interface, Accessible Accessories simplifies the process of adding accessories to a deal. No more frustration, just a smooth and enjoyable experience for every customer. With accurate pricing direct from the OEM, and with the option to adjust pricing based on the dealership’s preference, the correct quote is always provided. With the ability to change colors and explore customizable features, customers can make the smallest changes that lead to significant sales. The focus is on providing a personalized and tailored experience, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Addressing the challenge of lost accessory sales begins with acknowledging the diverse knowledge levels of dealer customers. By implementing Accessible Accessories, dealerships transform into a space where everyone, from automotive experts to novices, can confidently explore and personalize their vehicle purchase. This not only boosts sales but helps to set your dealership apart from the rest.

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